Knocking from the Depths by AXXY

16 – 24.12.2023
Iceberg, Berlin

"Knocking from the Depths" is the first European exhibition of the AXYXY artists' collective. The Association of the Worst Artists (AHUHU/AXYXY) unites over 2,000 Russian-speaking authors of socialized and politicized art. Following the start of the full-sale invasion of Ukraine, AXYXY artists' works became even more protest-oriented and effectively fell under prohibition in Russia.

The "Knocking from the Depths" exhibition  featured works by 15 of the "worst of the worst" artists. Many original works have been specifically provided for the exhibition by the authors and private collectors.

Curators: Olga Dudygina (Eikevei Gallegy,Oslo) and Vladimir Shalamov (All Rights Reversed)

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