Sergey Karev
2024, steel, 22 × 34 × 26 cm

Clenched teeth – an image of suppressed rage, both symbolic and physiological. An old, well-known symbol that became truly relevant to me only after February 2022. The rage extends from everything—starting with Putin and the war that has shattered all plans, connections, and life’s meanings—to frustration with the global system, oneself, and the decisions one must make. It also includes the numbness and paralysis that accompany the suppression of rage.

I am particularly interested in the interaction between the "internal" and the "external," such as personal will and external violence. My "teeth" are not only clenched but also welded together. In this sculpture, they do not merely display their roots but are essentially just roots themselves, as the clenching/welding leads to fusion and erosion. Will it ever be possible to separate them, and if so, will anything remain afterward?

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