My path as an artist began with questions about the nature of visual art itself, that brought me to experiments and a search for answers in my work. What is the value of any contemporary work of art? What artists can do and what makes them special? What rights does a viewer have in front of a canvas and what rights does an artist reserve for himself?
Seeking answers to those questions can take longer than life itself.
However, at some point I realized that everything concerning any
Eastern European art scene traumatized by its dark authoritarian past is just as simple as that: nothing has any value; artists are trash; neither one has rights.
Manifesto of an artist in exile, observing the highest point of injustice and tyranny of Putin's regime. An attempt to perform the usual action of an artist (to paint) after a great shock and the beginning of the most tragic years for whole countries and for her personally.
Despite the fact that conceptualists of all kinds brought this topic up decades ago, in 2024 I still find it funny that it took years of higher art education for my most famous painting to be a few words on a white background. Which, on the one hand, can be frustrating, but on the other hand it means that I was able to convey the strongest emotion that resonated in the minds of so many people. An emotion that we've all had to struggle with over the last few years -- desperation.