“Plush Dreams” unfolds as a captivating and emotionally charged art project, featuring three oil paintings complemented by an object—an eerie plastic biohazard bag filled with eyeballs. Born out of the artist’s emotional response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, “Plush Dreams” conveys the experiences encountered during that conflict. In a deliberate act, the artist substitutes plush figures for human subjects to explore the intersection of innocence and the harsh realities of war. Through three bright oil paintings titled “IKEA Shark,” “Unicorn Soldier,” and “Civil Bear,” the project dives into symbolic representations of the three archetypal roles defined by the Karpman “drama triangle”: the Persecutor, the Rescuer, and the Victim. These roles transcend societal boundaries, emphasizing the universal impact of conflict where all lives are at stake. The emotional zenith of “Plush Dreams” is reached through the plastic bag filled with eyeballs—an indelible testament to the unerasable scars left by the conflict. In a world where visual representation has elevated news spread to unprecedented levels, the artist underscores the significance of the visual narrative. The eyes in the bag bear witness to the war—inhuman, toxic, and profoundly distressing experiences observed by these human plush toys. This bag serves as a vessel, a poignant reminder that the memories of war are not to be discarded or forgotten. In “Plush Dreams,” the artist creates a powerful dialogue on the profound and lasting consequences of conflict, urging viewers to confront the stark realities through the eyes of these plush witnesses.