"...we faced with a real pile of lies"
Serafima Bresler
2020, drypoint on primed canvas, 300 × 50 cm

After 18 days of silence about the Chernobyl accident, on May 14, the leader of the country, Mikhail Gorbachev, presented his speech. In his text, Mikhail Gorbachev stated that "we (Soviet Union) are faced with a real pile of lies." that was devoted to the "Western lie about Chernobyl" and presented another lie about "controlling the situation" and "everything is normal".

Serafima Bresler is an artist and researcher working in Hamburg. Bresler works trace the aftermath of the Chernobyl catastrophe and disinformation in Soviet and post-countries. She often uses the lens of her personal family archive, working with the medium of printmaking. Her artistic practice takes a form of monumental installation using a variety of printmaking techniques. Bresler is finishing her Master’s degree in Time-based Media at University of Fine Arts Hamburg. She graduated from the British Higher School of Art and Design (BHSAD), Moscow in 2020 with a BA in Illustration. In 2023, she held an Achievement Grant Award for International Students from the Hamburg Ministry of Sciences, co-financed by Karl H. Ditze Stiftung. In 2024 Bresler won the DAAD-Preis. She has had exhibitions at the Klub Der Künste, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg; Хpon-art gallery, Hamburg; and Kunstverein L102, Berlin. At the moment, Bresler is the leader of the Artworkshop.hh project, which provides free art workshops for refugees from Ukraine.

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