"After Shock: Two Years of War"
Over 24 months since February 2022, the world has witnessed a criminal war unleashed with remarkable force by the Kremlin against the once-fraternal Ukraine. "After Shock" serves as an in-depth analysis of the war's evolution and its profound impact on the collective psyche over this two-year period. It traces the journey from the initial shock to gradual «acclimatisation», from sharp reactions to philosophical reflections, from active participation in the agenda to moments of fatigue and detachment. The exhibition examines the inherent mistakes in the process of becoming accustomed to the realities of war.
This exhibition is not merely a reflection on the consequences of a full-scale war in Europe; it also stands as an anthology of contemporary art produced in response to the events of the 24 months. Within this project, various anti-war art initiatives were united in a single space, offering a unique opportunity to experience them collectively.
The exposition goes further to unveil the theme of the step-by-step isolation and closure of Russia from the global community. Visitors could witness how the country has transformed in just two years and ponder the potential impact on future generations.
Titled "After Shock," the exhibition seeks to encapsulate the current state of the Russian-speaking community in the aftermath of the events that happened on the 24th of February 2022. It delves into what unfolded after the initial shock and explores strategies for maintaining focus, preventing fatigue from the constant war agenda, and sustaining efforts in the fight against tyranny.
Curator: Vladimir Shalamov.
The project has been supported by Wilhelmina E. Jansenfonds, Artists.at Risk Connection and Nederlands Letterfonds Dutch Foundation for Literature.